دعوة للشباب من الشرق الأوسط و شمال أفريقيا للتسجيل في برنامج تدريبي في الدانمارك
To be considered, scholarship applicants must be
Scholarship Opportunity for 2 Middle East youth to Crossing Borders Global Studies, autumn 2013
Once again, Crossing Borders is inviting highly qualified and committed youth from the Middle East and North Africa, including Iran to submit applications for scholarship to attend the Crossing Borders Global Studies in the fall semester 18 August – 14 December 2013.
The Crossing Borders Global Studies is a unique programme designed for internationally-minded and socially-committed applicants from around the world. The programme focuses on the institutional, cultural, environmental, conflict, media and citizenship dimensions of globalization, including the UN 2015 Millennium Development Goals. The programme includes current international affairs and introduction to Scandinavian society and culture.
What does the scholarship cover?
The scholarship covers full tuition, full board, accommodation in double room and return flight ticket plus 2 week sustainable living study tour around Denmark.
Who is the scholarship for?
To be considered, scholarship applicants must be
• from the Middle East and North Africa, including Iran
• aged between 20 and 25 years old
• has media or journalism academic background
• active in youth, grassroots or civil society organizations in their countries
• interested in contributing to the peaceful development of their communities
• eager to contribute with articles and/or other media production about their countries
• willing to share experience, knowledge and exchange ideas with fellow youth from different cultures.
• Able to take care of their visa, insurance costs to and pocket money while in Denmark.How to apply
• Fill out the online application form here
• Send by email a motivation letter of 250-300 words to garba(@)krogerup.dk together with 2 recommendation letters from two different youth, public or civil society organizations and an update CV.

1 التعليقات لــ "دعوة للشباب من الشرق الأوسط و شمال أفريقيا للتسجيل في برنامج تدريبي في الدانمارك Crossing Borders Global Studies Course in Denmark"