Consultants: advanced capacity building training: Expression Of Interest (Eoi) Consultancy
Save the Children is the world's leading independent organization for children. Our vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. Our mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.
In partnership with Mercy Corps, with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development, Save the Children (SC) is currently implementing “Youth Livelihood Development and Recovery (YLDR) in Gaza. The (YLDR) Program has been designed to contribute directly to MC’s Strategic Objective 2, Support economic recovery and development in Gaza through the creation of income generation and business development opportunities, Result 2.3: Encourage employment generation through improving job skills of youth and adults and development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
Save the Children will increase economic opportunities for youth by improving their market relevant job skills and knowledge (IR1) and by improving the quality of youth-friendly services delivered by community centers (IR2), resulting in increased employability of youth.
Save the Children is seeking the services of qualified consultant (s) to conduct an advanced capacity building training targeting a total of 100 community Center staff.
The training will cover five training topics as follow:
1-Reports Writing (24THs) targeting 20 CBO’s staff
2-Planning and Project Management (24THs) targeting 20 CBO’s staff
3-Feasibility Studies and Budgeting(24THs) targeting 20 CBO’s staff
4-TOT skills(24THs) targeting 20 CBO’s staff
5-Strategic Planning(24THs) targeting 20 CBO’s staff
The consultant has the choice to apply for some or all of the training topics. SC will consider and evaluate the technical and financial proposal for each topic separately as appropriate.
Interested consultants are welcome to collect the Terms of Reference from Save the Children’s Office in Gaza from 21st – 27th February, 2013 (Save the Children Gaza Office Mina’ Square. The Former Office of the Norwegian Representative).
Interested applicants should submit their application no later than Wednesday, 27th February, 2013; 3:00 pm. The information needs to be submitted to Save the Children, Gaza office in two sealed separated envelopes, one for technical proposal and one for financial proposal. Pre bid meeting will be held at SC office, on 25th February, 2013 (1:00pm)
The awarded consultant shall bear the cost of the advertisement in the website.
For more information contact us at Tel: 082861171. The office is closed on Friday and Saturday.

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