Job ID/Title :UNSCO Aid Coordination Officer– Social Development
Brand :UNSCO
Application Deadline :26-Feb-13
Duty Station :Jerusalem
Type of Contract :Service Contract
Languages Required :Arabic, English,
Duration of Initial Contract : 8 Months
Expected Duration of Assignment : 12 Months
Brand :UNSCO
Application Deadline :26-Feb-13
Duty Station :Jerusalem
Type of Contract :Service Contract
Languages Required :Arabic, English,
Duration of Initial Contract : 8 Months
Expected Duration of Assignment : 12 Months
ملاحظة : التقدم لهذه الوظيفة يجب تعبئة النموذج الخاص بالمؤسسة ومن ثم التقدم للذي من خلال الموقع الالكتروني الخاص
The Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) supports the Resident Coordinator and UN Country Team (UNCT) to increase the effectiveness of the UN’s programmes in oPt by encouraging greater coherence, strategic analysis and planning. As part of the RCO’s overall purpose, the coordination Unit in the RC Office aims to increase effectiveness of the UN programming in oPt by encouraging greater coherence.
Description of Responsibilities:
Act as the Secretariat for SDSG, SWGs and other informal coordination forums established in the Social Development Sector:
1-In consultation with the Co-Chairs, prepare, organize and follow up on SG and SWG meetings, reporting on meetings and any other relevant meetings as deemed necessary. This task includes the preparation of invitations, relevant documentation and necessary follow-up on SWG decisions;
2-Ensure the timely dissemination of relevant background documents;
3-Draft minutes of SG and SWG meetings and finalize them securing input from Co-Chairs, Technical Advisor, SDSG Coordinator and other relevant participants;
4-Assist PA counterparts in preparing inputs for meetings, (e.g. presentations, etc) producing summaries of meetings in Arabic;
5-Assist the SG and SWGs in producing reports to the Local Development Forum (LDF) as required;
6-Advise the SDSG and SWG in identifying best practices for the sector and aid effectiveness principles in accordance with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, Accra Agenda for Action and the PA Aid Effectiveness Plan;.
7-Establish and manage a depository of documents relating to the work of SG and SWGs including the LACS database and LDF website; periodically review coordination and sector-related documents and update as required;
8-Liaise with relevant SG and SWG counterparts, MoPAD, LDF members, LACS Co-Chairs, LACS Secretariat staff to ensure coherence/clarity of SG and SWG work within the overall aid coordination effort and PA planning priorities;
9-Assist SDSG and SWG Co-Chairs in promoting the application of the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the PA Aid Effectiveness Action Plan, and encouraging donors to align and harmonize their support to the PA effectively.
10-Work , as appropriate, with the Co-Chairs of the SDSG and related SWGs and SDSG Coordinator to:
a-Identify possible areas of common or coordinated intervention;
b-Gather sectoral information on PA needs and achievements and donor funding / shortfalls;
c-Assist the Co-Chairs of the SDSG and related SWGs, the Ministry of Planning/Palestinian Aid Management System, the SDSG. Coordinator and the Head of LACS in the collection of accurate and timely data concerning donor commitments and disbursements and produce analysis of donor commitments and disbursements in the social, education and health sectors.
11-Support and work with the UNSCO Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, to support UN planning efforts (e.g. the CA/UNDAF), working to ensure alignment with LACS SWGs.
12-Participate in UNSCO Coordination Unit staff meetings
13-Supports other UN Planning efforts and associated engagement with the LACS structure
14-Facilitate engagement of LACS Coordination Officers in UN Planning processes and work to support technical engagement of UN Agencies funds and programmes in Sector Working Groups.
15-Examine areas where UNSCO can brief broader LACS structure on UN strategies (e.g. Gaza reconstruction, Area C et cetera).
16-Contribute as required to the regular functions of the LDF, including the preparation of meetings, invitations/agenda, minutes of meetings, relevant documents and dissemination, follow-up on LDF decisions;
17-Provide secretariat services to committees, ad hoc task forces and groups as required;
18-Provide information to donors and other relevant parties on donor coordination tructures and issues as required;
19-Contributes to the preparation of LACS annual report to reflect the activities of the Strategy Group and the Sector Working Groups;
20-Assist the Head of LACS in producing regular updates, newsletters, reports, papers, evaluations and analysis as required;
21-Assist the Head of LACS in the development of the LDF/LACS Web Portal and in any other tasks.
22-In close consultation with the Co-Chairs of the SDSG and SWGs, the Head of LACS produce updates on progress in the implementation of workplans, Sector Action Plans and Sector Strategies as required and in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the work of the SDSG and SWGs.
Impact of Results
To facilitate the work of PA-donor coordination in the Social Development sector - the Social Development Strategy Group (SDSG), SWGs and related groups on social issues. Through the Local Aid Coordination Secretariat (LACS) supports the work of Palestinian Authority (PA) - donor coordination structures in the oPt that were set up following the decision made at the meeting of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee in December 2005 in London to improve the effectiveness of aid coordination structures in providing assistance and financial support to the Palestinian people in line with the OECD-DAC Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. LACS is currently composed of seven members of staff seconded/sponsored by Norway, the World Bank, UNSCO, USAID and Germany.
Aid coordination structures supported by LACS currently comprise: a Local Development Forum (LDF) which is open to all donor and aid agencies; four Strategy Groups (SGs) which deal with the main clusters of economic policy, governance, infrastructure development and social development issues; related Sector Working Groups (SWGs), Thematic Groups and Task Forces which are small functional groups established by SGs
Competencies :
-Knowledge of aid harmonization principles and guidelines
-Excellent interpersonal, communications, problem-solving and mediation skills
-Ability to quickly summarize and analyze large volumes of information under tight deadlines
-Ability to multi-task under pressure and with minimum supervision
-Ability to take initiative
-Attention to detail
-Ability to represent LACS in high-level fora
-Experience in working in multi-cultural teams
-Excellent world-processing and database management skills (Word and Excel)
Qualifications :
Holder of BsC in Economics, Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Sciences or any related field.
At least 7 years of experience in social development issues, programme development international aid coordination or other relevant area, preferably in the Middle East
Language Requirements:
Fluent English with excellent drafting abilities; fluent Arabic
“UNDP/PAPP is an equal opportunity employer: applications from both internal and external men and women will be considered equally”
UNDP actively supports the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted by the United Nations General Assembly

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