Background, act for peace in partnership with the norwegian
church aid and near east council of churches would like to hire an external
to conduct a medium
size evaluation for the community health program implemented by the Near East
Council of Churches (NECC), the gaza area committee for the department of
service to Palestinian refugees (dspr). necc has been operating health services
in the gaza strip since 1952 and currently runs three primary health care
clinics in shijaia, darraj and kherbet al adas neighbourhoods supporting a
population of more than 160,000 people. necc clinics have a primary focus on
child and maternal health care (ante and post-natal care, well-baby clinics as
well as providing general practitioner services, laboratory testing, pharmacy
and dental services and psychosocial care. the project has been funded by act
for peace and ausaid (under the ancp program) for a number of years. the focus
of this evaluation is on the grants provided in july 2010 through june 2013 and
is expected to be completed (including submitting the final report) by july
15th 2013.
The purpose of this
evaluation is to determine the relative strengths and benefits of the necc gaza
community health program in relation to its quality of service performance,
project achievements against proposed objectives and impact upon the targeted
communities. specifically, this evaluation will support planning and decision
making for the necc management and key clinic staff. the evaluation is expected
to have
a largely
participatory qualitative focus with wide engagement with relevant stakeholders
and to be completed by early july 2013.
conditions/qualifications include; advanced degree in health specialities, with
a post graduate public health specialty (master or phd) and at least 5 years’
experience in mother child health and psychosocial interventions; rich knowledge
of and experience with the palestinian health care system particularly the ngos
sector; direct experience in evaluating similar programs/projects and this task
requires excellent verbal and written skills in english.

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